Friday, 12 December 2014

Giving the face a treat

So  today I have woken up and totally frightened myself in the mirror - EEEEEKKK!!!

So after getting all of the munchkins to school I have rushed back and prescribed myself a little facial.  Today I am using 2 masks as I need double the help.

Firstly - Faith Lift from Tibby Olivier

This is to tighten and smooth the skin so on me I have smoothed it around the eyes and forehead, and also my neck
Smells of caramel and works wonders, I've done facials with this and the customers have been amazed at the difference it makes.

Then - Brazenly Honey from Lush
This is good for tired skins, exfoliating, stimulating and nourishing, so as I have suffered from a couple of blemishes this has been applied to my nose and chin
This was a gift from a Mum at school (as she had a freebie) and I thought I would try it out.

So now my face is looking a bit odd (2 masks!) I settle down with my cup of decaf tea

I can feel the Faith Lift drying and tightening. I try not to look in a mirror at this point as it can look very scary!

After 20 minutes, its ready to be taken off.  Using very warm water and soft flannels to soften it, it comes off quite easily.  Just have to make sure I have got it ALL off as it is a translucent gel so you can't see it easily on the skin when it's wet, which means that as little bit dry you look as if you have a weird flaky skin problem - he he he

The blob on my nose is the Brazenly Honey mask in the first picture.
Yay my forehead wrinkles aren't as deep :-)

And the lines around my eyes seem better too

I am so bad at taking selfies so I apologise for the poor quality photos, but I am so happy with the results this morning.

Off to slather on my Faith Lift moisturiser and eye cream now for extra help.

Today is a busy day but I will be making sure that I drink plenty of water and decaf tea to keep up the good work on my skin - after all water is the best medicine for great skin alongside great skin care.

Have a fab day

Anna :-)

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Loving the sunshine

I woke up this morning, to a beautiful blue sky -YAY!!

Seeing the sunshine makes everyone so much happier, all that Vitamin D being created by my skin is so good for me, my bones and it is also claimed to help prevent the onset of diabetes (just made sure I put my SPF tinted moisturiser on first - of course!).  Our skin feels much better in good weather too - just avoid sunburn :-)

A walk with Cookie (my dog) in the sunshine is always fun, the rabbits and the guinea pig enjoy the fresh green grass in their run, even the children seemed to get up in a better mood.

So here's one of the reasons
Sunshine boosts levels of the body's serotonin - our natural happy hormone. That's why we tend to feel happier and more energetic when the sun shines. Regular sun can help stave off moderate depression, particularly if combined with exercise, such as a walk in the park especially with a dopey dog. It's also been shown that exercising outdoors creates more endorphins in the body than exercising indoors.

Cookie loves the pond and mud too

 Off to enjoy another walk in the sun and pick my little girl up from school.

Enjoy our lovely spring day everyone

Anna x