The initial poster on the London Underground offended quite a few people. I understand this, it is pretty demoralising as a person to be told that you are not good enough as you are.
I really dislike any type of "diet" that encourages meal replacments. Believe me, I have in the past used them and regretted it, it is a system that does not encourage you to enjoy good food in a wholesome manner.
The model in question is slim and well toned - Good on her!! BUT .......
Not everyone is a model. Not everyone has the time to spend on making their bodies fit the current stereotype that marketeers want in their adverts.
Some of us have long commutes to busy jobs, as well as a family to love and care for. I know my children would rather have a wobbly mummy to cuddle them than a fit and toned mummy that spends the evenings at the gym to look "perfect" (whatever that is supposed to be!) and not see them.
The scary moment comes for me when I hear a 13year say she wants to become anorexic so that she looks better - WHAT!!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!
These are a just 2 news items that I read this morning on my News feed
BBC news - Eating disorder hospital admissions double
Sky news - YSL Ad banned over 'Unhealthily Thin' Model
This pictures sums up for me the insidious way marketing is encouraging our young girls to aspire to an unnaturally thin ideal.
I understand that there are a LOT of different body shapes and some people are naturally very slim, but some of us are not.
What we should be aspiring to surely is a healthy look for us as an individual. My father-in-law thought that it was funny to say how much weight I had put on over the last few years. I was LIVID! This was in front of my 2 young impressionable girls. How DARE he? I stayed calm but it upset me that people think they can judge us by how we look or how much they think we weigh.
We are all beautiful. We should avoid junk food not because we will be slimmer (although we probably will!) but because it is bad for us. We should eat our fruit and vegetables because they are full of goodness that helps us stay healthy for as long as possible. We should all accept that beauty comes from within - the prettiest girl can look ugly when she thinks and speaks mean and spiteful thoughts.
We are all different, we can all be beautiful as beauty comes from the inside. Love, kindness and generosity will shine through a persons eyes.
So eat well - good food that you enjoy. Smile lots,
Laugh more,
Love and love some more,
but please let us not beat ourselves up anymore over the fact that we will never look like the girl in the poster - she probably doesn't either Photoshop has a lot to answer for!
Peace, light and love to you all
By the way, yes I offer a body wrap for people in my business, but I make no promises and my favourite part of the whole treatment is the way your skin will feel the next day and the relaxation it gives my lovely clients.