Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Relax and Recharge

 After a very different summer it is now September - how did that happen?!?!?

Children are heading back to school and college. Some of us are able to escape for a late break, either way we will get the chance to relax and recharge our batteries.

Do we deserve MeTime? Errrr - YES!!! We live in hectic, stressful times. We juggle children, work, housework, cooking and lots more and our bodies and brains need that downtime. 

If you don't set aside personal time you may find yourself overwhelmed and heading to burn out, and then you will be no use to anyone, let alone yourself.

That's why it's so important to take some time to recharge. To take some "Me Time" and I've compiled a little list of my favourite things to do.

  • Book some time in your diary - just for you! If you don't book it out you probably won't do it

  • Go for a walk. By yourself, without music. You will have no distractions and you can just enjoy some fresh air and feel rejuvenated after just a few minutes

  • Relax into a warm, beautifully fragranced bath. Lock the door so that no-one interrupts you!

  • Meditate. There are so many guided meditation tools out there now. Sit peacefully for 20-30 minutes and allow yourself to drift away.

  • Meet a friend. Socialisation is so important to us all. We need the human connection and a chat with a friend over coffee and cake will make you both feel great.

  • Read a book or magazine. Reading a great book is a great way to escape the humdrum of life and your imagination can be fired up.

  • Pamper yourself. If your shoulders feel tense, enjoy a gentle massage. Treat yourself to a manicure, pretty hands always make us feel good.
  • Stop and smell the roses! Enjoy nature around you (even when it's raining) 

What is stopping you?

So please, take some time to refill your cup, recharge your batteries and you will feel so much more able to help other people. If your cup is empty you can't fill anyone else's.

Book that time and date NOW!

You deserve it

As Ferris Bueller said "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while you could miss it"

Live Life. Love Life.


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